Breastfeeding Accessories and Helpful Links

Local Breastfeeding Support

LA LECHE LEAGUE Canada Leaders are volunteers. They are experienced breastfeeding mothers who are trained to provide up-to-date breastfeeding information, encouragement, and support.

All women interested in breastfeeding are welcome to attend monthly Group meetings. Anytime is a good time to come to a La Leche League meeting: when pregnant, with a new baby or when considering weaning.

La Leche League Canada (LLLC)is a national charitable organization that is affiliated with La Leche League International (LLLI). LLLC provides education, information, support and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed While a series of four meetings with the following topics is rotated throughout the year, the specific content varies significantly depending on the current focus and the needs of those present.

Meeting 1: The Advantages of Breastfeeding to Mother and Baby
Meeting 2: Baby Arrives: The Family and the Breastfed Baby
Meeting 3: The Art of Breastfeeding and Avoiding Difficulties
Meeting 4: Nutrition and Weaning

For More Information: Contact a local La Leche League Leader for breastfeeding information or for more information about meetings.
As Leaders are volunteers answering calls from their homes, please call during daytime/early evening hours. They will make every effort to return your call in a timely manner. If you do not hear back from a Leader within twenty four hours please contact our breastfeeding referral service for another Leader near you.

For EMERGENCY situations please contact a health care provider in your community.

Windsor group

This Group is In-Person. LLLC Leader(s) Helen and Melissa
Contact Email
Monthly Meeting Information:
Contact Phone

This LLLC Group Typically Meets
2nd Monday of the month

Meeting Location
Connections Early ON Centre, 795 Giles Blvd East
Windsor, ON

Local Breastfeeding Support

Local Breastfeeding Support and Events

Breastfeeding is essential for any new mom. The benifits are numerous. Sometimes breastfeeding is hard to do, or you have been given information that has caused you to stop nursing or suppliment. If you are looking for a different way. Or would like to talk to someone about breastfeeding and making it work this website will help you.